“The next Buddha will be the Sangha”

- Thich Nhat Hanh

Welcome to The People’s Meditation

We offer teachings on somatic meditation and the spiritual journey every day online, live and for free. Our practice periods are usually 45 minutes of guided meditation followed by a 15 minute facilitated listening circle to share experience, ask questions, and bear witness.

The People’s Meditation is an international community of practitioners accessible to anyone with an internet connection regardless of experience, location or financial means. Our hope is to make spirituality an ordinary daily occurrence. We hope this community elevates each person within it and uplifts a diverse circle of teachers to inspire a return to the body.

How It All Began

What started as a daily online meditation group led by Denmo Ibrahim at the onset of the pandemic in March 2020 has evolved into a vision of meditation as a decolonized decentralized practice. To that end, we are working to amplify meditation teachers and speakers that are Black, Indigenous or People of Color (BIPOC) with a wide range of influences, traditions, and experiences to enrich this worldwide community.

If you are interested in teaching at TPM, we are hiring! Please email us.

Who We Are

The People’s Meditation was conspired by Denmo Ibrahim and is led, organized, and facilitated by the people within this community. If you would like to join the Meditation Council and offer your support to the community in keeping these practices alive and accessible, please send us a note. Everyone is welcome to the table — to lead, to teach, to support, to experience. Where ever you feel called to be, come.